Somehow, I just haven't remembered to post anything in an incredibly long time. Maybe I've just been distracted by Ravelry. And it's hard to get good photos in the winter because of the shortage of natural light. And maybe I've just been too busy knitting. But whatever the reason, I'm back. I'm not going to try to fill in everything I've worked on over the past few months, but maybe I'll take some photos of old projects this weekend.
In the meantime, two fibery things are occupying my thoughts:
(1) I bought a share in the fall shearing of the Angora goats at Martha's Vineyard Fiber Farm. If you don't know what this is, you can read about it in a Wall Street Journal article. The farm has a wonderful blog to update "shareholders" on day-to-day happenings throughout the year -- and it's full of photos of the most adorable kids and lambs.
(2) I'm anxiously counting down to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this coming weekend. Only five more days! I've got a marked up map and vendor list, and a list of projects that I want yarn for ... but mostly I want to buy fleece to spin on the wonderful Majacraft Suzie wheel that I got for Christmas. I'm planning to spend all day Saturday at the festival, and maybe even go back on Sunday for the parade of breeds and the sheep-to-shawl competition. I'll surely have more to post when it's over.
2 Black(ish) Owls
2 days ago